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Our Supplement for a Brighter Future

Aid the Children believes that INNOCENT children should NOT have to suffer and die because of AIDS. We are seeking to make our supplement, Ocean Treasure, more widely available to those living with HIV, both children and their parents. We have seen that HIV medications simply work better when the body has the nutrients it needs.

In clinical studies people who received our supplement along with nutritious meals were 4 times more likely to have AIDS symptoms disappear than those who just received nutritious meals alone.

For just $14 a month a child or adult can receive our special supplement. That’s only $168 for an entire year. We have seen some wonderful results in children who have taken our supplement.

Matthew 25:40

"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

  • They gain weight, and look like normal children.
  • The stigma disappears.
  • Rashes and ringworm disappear.
  • Sores heal.
  • Children gain back their strength and can go to school, sometimes for the first time in their lives.

Entire family units are impacted by HIV. Generally the father is infected first, then his wife, then through the birth process or through the mother’s milk, children are infected. Children living with HIV desperately need their parents to live and be restored to health.

Matthew 18:14

"Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish."

In our second clinical study in Kenya, whole families were restored to health. Fathers returned to their jobs, mothers to their work, and children returned to school. By God's grace, we are now ready to see this happen on a much larger scale.

Your financial support can help a child or adult who is dying of AIDS to be restored to health. Your gifts to Aid the Children help to provide much needed nourishment, including meals and our supplement, to the people that need them.

How many of these precious children will you save? Please help Aid the Children take a stand in turning the AIDS death sentence into a future of life and hope.